Originally Posted by undy
Too much fuel over a period of time will cause a catalytic convertor to clog/fail. Fix your fueling problem!
X2, and it really does not matter whether it is a cobra, or a Fiesta , if you have an engine that is not properly tuned, nothing will fix your problem. Get the car tuned properly, then see if you experience the same issues, if so, you are done, if not, you can take the next step. However, and I do mean HOWEVER, if you have excessive emissions, where the smell is so over powering, adding a catalytic converter or fuel scents to your gas tank, will not fix the problem, only mask it. This is why I asked what I did above, trying to get to the root cause of the issue at hand. So far, your responses seem to be skating around answering them with any certainty, as you may not be technically oriented enough to give a proper answer...If that is the case, then best to take a step back, save your money, get the car tuned, then come back to us if the issues are still persisting.
Bill S.