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Ingenious solution and you're right - It's hardly noticeable. I have to agree with Tony and Ed though - that solid block with it's relatively small surface area would do a hammer-blow number on the back of the cranium in the event of a fair to middling rear impact.
I hate to preach about safety as I'm a bit of a risk taker myself, but adding solid objects behind yours and your passenger's head in the name of improved safety or comfort actually puts them at greater risk. Cobras rarely roll over on the street. They most often tend to spin out and go off the road backwards with the roll bars waiting to do their thing and bash you in the back of the head when you shunt into an immovable object. I had a roll bar in mine because I liked the "competition look" and accepted the risk for myself but I would never, ever put one behind the head of anyone I care about unless of course they wanted to wear a crash helmet on every drive.
Rear end collisions are the most common accident on the road but we hear little of them because in normal cars a crumpled rear bumper and a sore neck are relatively minor inconveniences. Remember when "whiplash" was a big thing? It's not so much anymore because of ergonomic high back seats and energy absorbing bumpers - neither of which work so well in Cobras. In a tiny car with seat backs around or below shoulder height and steel pipes right behind your head it can be - and has been as we've seen in Cobras over the years - life altering.
Sorry to poo-poo on your actually quite nice idea for cutting the high speed buffeting but discussion and feedback is what happens in discussion forums. It is an elegant solution but wouldn't be worth the risk to me as is. If I really had to do it though, I would try to mount the shield flush to the surface of the roll bars without that protruding block so close to my and especially my beloved passenger's skull.
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...
Last edited by Buzz; 07-08-2023 at 07:23 AM..