Originally Posted by KarlzEE Bebout
Years ago I used a "Powertrax" unit that was easy to install (did it myself) and really did the job. It has no clutches so there will sometimes be a click or snap when turning while backing up. Not an issue, just different. The Powertrax was still in the car, 50,000 miles later with no issues. I'd dome lots of drag racing, turning 10.7 seconds in the quarter mile, after driving 75 miles to the track, and then driving home. My 2¢ worth.
No drag racing here, but also running the Powertrax Grip Pro. I installed it myself as well, without the benefit of a dial indicator. Paid a LOT of attention to backlash and tooth pattern. No problems after 7 years of use so I must have done okay. Highly recommended, IMO.