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You can make similar power with a significant reduction in front-end weight, especially if you go the aluminum block and heads route with the small block. That said, you can also go the aluminum block, and heads route with the FE and lose a lot of front-end weight. The car will still be lighter with the small block but not as visually correct as with an FE, iron, or aluminum.
The car will be more enjoyable to drive with less nose weight but comparably dangerous in terms of spinouts, no matter which engine you choose. Even small blocks today can produce way more power than the chassis can reliably deliver to the ground.
In the end, your engine choice should be a personal preference. Unless you are going for some type of originality award in a car show (which is meaningless — you have a replica), the period correct thing, and about $5 will get you a small cup of coffee at startrucks.
Use what you prefer, not what someone who didn't pay the bills likes.
Help them do what they would have done if they had known what they could do.