Originally Posted by cobragene
Thanks Patrick, you are a wealth of information. So you do have your fans and headlights running through amp gauge? I don’t but may change that. On the other hand it would be much easier to swap to a volt gauge?
I have both my fans and headlights on the alternator side of the ammeter. If I put them on the battery side of the ammeter then it would show a 30 amp
charge every time I turned on all the fans and headlights. Having them on the alternator side of the ammeter allows the ammeter to still show zero, or maybe a one or two amp charge, when the revs are 1000 or more. At idle, with all my fans and headlights on, the ammeter shows a slight discharge. That disappears as soon as the revs come up and the needle then swings over to show a slight charge. This is perfectly normal behavior.