Originally Posted by xb-60
Ed, mine is a 289, and the centre position just does not work on my car. Why my application is different from other 289 cars, including another Pace 289 (BJ's car) and ERA 289s, I am at a loss to work out. The scattershield- as mentioned - is a QT; the tailshaft fits as it should; everything else matches where it should, but the centre location just does not work. Solution is of course to use the forward-most position of the three available, and all will be well.
However, I'm one of those sometimes irritating people who want to know "what's different" and why?" when the location and look should be the same as BJ's identical car, and all of the ERA 289 cars.
A perplexing problem.
I would assume that Brett's (BJ’s snake) chassis and your chassis are identical, so the difference must be with the motor / gearbox configuration. Is it possible that the motor mount location for your FIA and Brett's FIA are different? I think this would be very unlikely.
- Are both of you running the same SBF block?
- If so, are you running the same motor mounts?
I suspect that once you compare your car & setup with Brett's, the difference of 4 inches will become apparent. My guess is the difference is ultimately due to the motor location.
It sounds like you can get the gearbox and shifter where you want them and that is all that really matters.
- Tim