Car Show at the Mountain Park Church this Saturday. Lots of catagories to enter and lots of prizes to give away. Benefits Hope for the Homeless charity. I know I am going for the free dyno that will be there. I am also judging as are Jim Cook and Gary Stubbs. All of the information is here:[0]=AZUl1q0nT5omxMqVljIP9RRfZjXOnPKtiZB9vYDrwQx96oa79 oqSb7eUc3J80BFXbKy7Sbd-h3JVzFsmpwujRESZlfM6PFD_J7ZA1POQL6txo5BcBenJRbS3vL rc_M0dTJU0l__GzXiqvc2qxYL44EXb1VVN_TYhWjaXdAdhmPW8 vYeU-pAs65z-cINwM9LeXy0&__tn__=EH-R