Originally Posted by feadam
If you pay that much money for a car you’re in one of two groups, you know how to fix the car and have been into cobras for a while or you have a bunch of money and someone that works on cars and is familiar with where to access the parts they need is going to fix it
There is a 3rd group, one who does not do their homework, but has the funds, and just wants it. They do not have mechanical ability, nor are they even car guy/girls, only take their cars (if they even own one) to the new car dealer for service, and have never been in a auto parts store in their lives, can't check their own
oil level, but can pump their own gas. These are the ones that scare me the most, as to them, the car in question is just another "shiny bauble", like the 5 carat toe ring they bought their significant other because they saw it in a store window.
Bill S.