As you know there is always a bit of fitment to all these cars, I own two HiTech's and Contemporary while I never had issues with lack of resourced parts. Have I replaced everything, nope, however I have rebuilt a fare amount and found whatever I needed. Additionally two full built cars as well as long as a car is accurate there are plenty of resources. My brother is fixing his 1973 Maverick and I can say it is not any easier than anything I own....
Example on the door, HiTech used the same frames as a glass 4000. Fitment yes, however same would hold true for a FFR door. Same would also hold true for a KMS, not surre every KMS door fits between each car. These cars are not Corvette, Porsche or Mustang however I can say they to can present challenges. Heck, all my ERA purchased items fit on my Contemporary years back. These are hand built automobiles thus carry a little bit of character.
I think discounting a cars manufacturer because they are gone is short sighted as HiTech, Exact, Contmporary and Aurora to name a few were great cars and still better than many in original quality and replication. I do agree that some say less coslty and older less known brands may carry a larger degree of difficulty as they used more brand sepcific parts than those forementioned.
BTW the majority of the chassis in "Goldie" is HiTech 289 and I can say it holds true for the buggy cars too, just a little scarier as they are less replicated.
Money aside, would one discount owning CSX3006, CSX3021 or even CSX2001 as they too fall into "Out of Business" classification and are limited variants?