Originally Posted by 1985 CCX
Works ok, Race Fuel is 10x better. I am lucky as Cam2 is pump gas here in NH.
Unless your engine is specifically built for the high octane you're just throwing money away.
If you buy an engine that requires 110 octane race fuel and you don't race your car almost exclusively, you should seriously reconsider your purchase.
Yes, cars with a 10.5:1 engine run just fine on 91 octane E10.
Note: 93 vs 91 depends on location, higher altitudes uniformly lower the standard octane ratings by 2 points
The whole thing about what the interchangeability rules for E10, E15 and E85 are based on fact and folklore... Several references say E15 should only be used in E85 flex fuel engines, while others claim that E10 and E15 are 100% interchangeable. For sure E10 and E85 are NOT interchangeable and some aftermarket tuners provide race tunes for E85.