Originally Posted by 6TNCRZY
If the wheels look correct in the body, DO NOT CUT THE WHEELS FOR MORE BACKSPACE. I had the same issue with 2158. The proper way to fix the issue is to have spinners with the bevel cut deeper. I contacted Vintage wheels and he knew exactly what I needed, evidently the FIA wheels have a thicker hub when machined to the same backspace as the 427 Hillabrands. He sold me 2 matching aluminum spinners machined to fix the issue.
My suspension is not installed yet so I don’t know how the wheel fits in the body yet. When talking with Trigo, he mentioned a different spinner bevel too. He said some owners might not like it due to spinner wing proximity to wheel. My rough measurements put my current spinner sitting up in the wheel bevel about .25 inches above the bottom of the wheel bevel area. If the spinner bevel is changed to capture this room on the wheel, then that leaves about .15 inches of spinner threads still exposed. I’m assuming the modified spinner has the same 1.2 inches of thread. I’m surely up for a test fit of a modified spinner