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Old 07-01-2002, 11:06 AM
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Default Mike Foss's wife has stroke, is in Michigan

Hello to all Cobra owners and friends who know Mike Foss. Mike is a major promoter of Cobras here in Arizona and through out the country. Mike and Janet were married here in Tucson last fall and had a Cobra wedding. Janet joined Mike at the DVSFII last weekend and from there she went to visit relatives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Yesterday morning in Grand Rapids she had a stroke. Mike flew out of Tucson last night and has arrived there to be with her. Presently our information is limited. Those of you at the DVSFII will remember Mike's silver with orange stripes Cobra, Janet is the petite gal who was by his side. If there is a Cobra owner in Grand Rapids could you please give the hospital a call and let Mike know that we are all concerned and praying for her recovery. John
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