I'm sorry, but a lot of the statements that you're making are just basic internet-based misapplications that I see on various forums. They are unfortunately passed around and around and are never corrected.
Let me try to be more apples to apples...
Displacement makes torque. Not the stroke. A 4.030"x3.250" engine is a 331. A 4.125"x3.250" engine is a 347. They will not have equal amounts of torque because the stroke is the same. You chose the 3.250" stroke because you stated that it's the 3.250" crankshaft that makes an engine docile, linear, predictable, non-violent, etc. I could build an engine exactly like that with a 4" stroke, or a 4.250" stroke. I could also build a 331 that would be more "violent" than your 427 and would make you poop your pants if one of your friends hopped in and did a 360 around a corner...
I understand that this thread is not about engine theory, but your fascination with a 3.250" stroke prompted me to explain that the stroke is not a magical number. It's the combination of *every* part that's in an engine that makes/breaks a combination.
Nice to see that I'm highly respected until I disagree.