Ok, Brent & I have made initial contact, he (Mills) is dealing with some issues right now, I'm waiting for future contact.
We are all in an agreement, the site & history must be saved, between the 3-of us Brent (Mills) Brent (EM-0785) and myself we will do our damnest to just do that
As long as the site can stay afloat (Breakeven) Brent (EM-0785) & I am not doing this to MAKE money, but not to lose money either.
Tony, we're not trying to save a Cigarette offshore boat, or a Lear jet (Money Pits, yes i agree), we're trying save a site that means something to a lot of, how about some ideas to help, not hinder, you're great at telling us what won't work.
We're doing our best, cheers Tom.