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Old 11-20-2024, 09:22 AM
Fishcakes428 Fishcakes428 is offline
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Default Delayed reply......and maybe doulble reply?

First my apologies for my delayed response. I am having trouble with this site. "invalid argument" warning. Whatever that means. "server not responding". Timing out. Click post reply and something quickly states something about post will be visible after moderator approves. Flashes up quickly and disappears. Circle back to view my post and not there. Don't know if it's me or the site. As I mentioned I'm supposed to be retired and a I'm a solo act. Well I'm still working. Loading up some more funds into the coffers before "I'm out the door". I can only respond at night..12-13 hr. work days. This will be my last year of work but a biggie still sits in the waiting that'll keep me busy for about a year total. I work looong days. Of coarse I'm aware of taking all other's opinions of this car with a grain of salt. Thank you for all the responses and willingness to help. I DO have some particular wants when I find a car of interest. As I mentioned, my intent was to build and had requirements of what the finished product would be. Engine, color, and some other items. May sound small but even defrosters and wipers required here in PA. from my understanding.

Originally Posted by Ron61 View Post
There is a big Bay Area Cobra Club and they may be able to help you. I live in Northern California at Shasta Lake so it is a bit far for me to drive as my back and knee prevent me from doing much except move slow and easy. But I know several members of that club as they used to come up here every year for our Cobra get together. Also on our Cobra site which I administer we have several members from California and some of them would be happy to help you any way they can.
Thanks Ron61. I will likely take you up on that. Would like to speak with you. I could pm you with my contact number.

Originally Posted by kevins2 View Post
Where in SE PA are you? I'm in West Chester. There's a beautiful ERA for sale in the Marshalton area (45 minutes west of Philly). Not sure what your budget is but you mentioned Superformance is out of reach, so probably not a good candidate. Also, there is a mechanic in the area who has owned a Cobra replica for over 20 years and has built/rebuilt several others. Once you get to the point where you need an inspection or other assistance in SE PA, he'd be a good resource for you.

I'm familiar with West Chester. I'm wrapping up a job out there that I've been working on on for the past two months. My nephew also lives out there. If this particular car doesn't work out, I'll be in touch. And if it does, I'd still get in touch. Would like to hang with people that share the same interest.

Originally Posted by Alfa02 View Post
@Fishcakes428, I'm sure some NorCal. members can help you, we have a great many members from that area, I have a couple contacts that we could reach out to, if needed.
I've done a few PPI's up in the Pacific Northwest for potential Cobra owners, and the AZ. boys have looked at some cars I was interested in.
If need be, you can PM me, and we can go from there, Cheers Tom.
Thank you Tom. Again, as I mentioned to Ron61, I can PM you my contact number.

Originally Posted by twobjshelbys View Post
I looked at a few cars for folks when I lived in Colorado. I personally will do no more of an inspection to verify that the car is in some form of operable condition and has no visible damage. That is, it reasonable resembles the claims in whatever ad got you interested. Anything else and if you buy the car and I miss something then you'll think of suing me. So... If you get a volunteer that is a pre-pre-purchase-inspection. Use that as a gauge whether to get a real paid expert PPI from someone that does them. Pay Alfa02 Or use it as a gauge to whether it's worth for you to make a personal trip and make your own evaluation. Airline tickets are cheap.
Sound advise twobjshelbys. I came here first for advise and help for two simple facts. One the distance and secondly you guys have spent more time around these cars. The members here have an intimate knowledge of these vehicles and I respect that. I would be slightly ahead in pursuing this car and take any and all opinions of the car with a grain of salt.
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