Bill's right, there's nothing to it. Any alignment shop can handle it. The rear toe is a little more difficult than the front. Tell the shop to check it and tell you first if it falls within these specs:
Front End Toe-in: 1/16"-1/8" (0.1-0.2 degrees/side)
Rear End Toe-in: 0-1/16" (0-1/4 deg.)
Front End Camber: 0 deg. +/- 1/4 (must be changed with shims)
Rear End Camber: -3/4 deg. +/- 1/4 deg. (this is adjustable, but is complicated)
Front End Caster: 4 1/2 deg. +/- 1/2 (must be changed with shims)
Then have them adjust the front end so your wheel is straight. If they say they have to remove the steering wheel, don't let them. They'll scratch up the center plug. Do that yourself and come back. I set the front toe with a trammel bar and have the steering wheel on a quick release. The job is very easy to do once someone shows you how.