Originally Posted by B&B
I have done the same, sent pm to Tjd with no joy. I would like to have one for our 4K CSX.
If anyone has been in contact with him, please let him know.
Thank You
I don't think it's happening.
But what you
really want is the beautiful and invisible QR from ERA. Now, before you say
"but Patrick, I don't have an ERA" let me 'splain. The quick release hub that ERA sells is really a work of art and if you exam it closely you can see up inside the covering that there is a sticker that the quick release hardware is actually manufactured by Sweet Manufacturing. Sweet manufactures not only the quick release portion but also the splined stub that goes into the quick release. ERA just welds the splined stub to the steering shaft and then dresses up the quick release portion a little bit to make it virtually invisible. You can do the same on the CSX steering shaft and you will be 100% satisfied.