I chose not to post anything in hopes of a better out come.
I have been in touch with Mikie from the first day I was informed
about Janet's stroke. I was notified by Mikie's sister Paula
while enroute to Las Vegas on Monday morning.
All I can do is remember the last time I saw Janet. She gave me
a big hug and told me that she was having a good time at the
Fling. I told her to say hi to her Mom as she was leaving by plane to Michigan for a visit. Janet was one of the most caring
individuals I have ever met. Mikie and I travelled to the fling
together last year in our cobras. Before we left she said a prayer
for us and blessed our cars for a safe journey. That's the way
she was. She always put others first. All those who met Janet
liked her immediatly. She will be missed.
While talking to Mikie he said something that I feel should be
repeated. He told me to hug my wife and kids and tell them I
love them. It's a trajady like this that makes one stop and
think about how precious life is and how important our
loved ones are to us.