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Your discription of things sound normal.
There is mc piston travel before the port is closed and compression starts.
2 in of free play from floor sound sabout right.
You need to "prove" to your self the clutch is releasing; can you push the car by hand with the clutch in and in gear?? Do the test! You must systematically eliminate items before you can identify the real problem.
Whirring sound going into 1 st can be totally normal; the sounds of the sychro's matching shaft speeds can sometimes be heard.
"ONCE" you eliminate potientials, you can this find the real problem.
since you discription of clutch action sound normal; the linkage on a top leader is critial; if its misadjusted or worn you get sloppy shifting. Need a TL expert for that one. Call McKee again; he has a top reputation.