I've been going back and forth on this. I just edited my previous post to be a little more specific.
My concern is that with my current rear set up, when pushed the car becomes unpredictable and hard to hold onto. I fight it all the way through my autocross courses to get the best times. I know I could just drive slower and not put the car in a situation where I could go off course, but then I think "What's the point of going"? No matter what set up I have, I don't intend to drive beyond my abilities or jacked up on adrenaline, but with the car being unpredictalbe as it is...I'm just concerned what it'll do on a real track. Everyone tells me the 3 link rear will cure the handling woes I have. That would make me more comfortable and confident in the car. But then again I REALLY want to go....
Sorry for rambling on, I'm just thinking out loud. So there are NO walls for me to hit if I slide off track? What kind of mph are we talking about through the turns (on street tires)?