Thread: Pat's Burnout
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Old 07-12-2002, 05:00 PM
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Exclamation Cops used to be civilians,.....

But they are becoming like military police, with a *us vs them * attitude...militarized. The founding fathers would be horrified at the propaganda and unconstitutional laws that are being promulgated at this time.

I long for the days (long ago) when cops enforced the once mostly reasonable laws in this country, instead of becoming more like Big Brother.

This possibility was why the founders included the Second Amendment, as a bulwark against just this event. Interesting to see how much this right has been infringed, concurrently !

The "Patriot" act (now there's propaganda for you) is a perfect example...stealing my liberty for supposed safety. What a sham.

This is merely a general statement, not directed at any one cop. Some are no doubt secretly horrified, as I am.
James Madison, father of the Constitution, said, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare..."
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