Thread: Pat's Burnout
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Old 07-14-2002, 04:03 PM
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Hey Great Asp,

Ya gotta stop posting new and improved video of burnouts - ya got creeper living up to his handle and working double overtime as a copper policing an accident, without injury or fatality, that didn't happen - man it's gettin hard to have fun with your pants on...

Actually I appreciate the video(s) and keep 'em coming if for no other reason than to drive creeper right over the top...

P.S. On closer look at Pat's "look ma no hands" burnout video I'm not so sure "his midget girlfriend has both hands on the wheel and is steering by voice comand" as Bony suggests. Looks like she has a hold of something else and Pat is simply startled which lends some credibility to creeper's argument that something unlawful may be taking place - I'm not sure what that might be but I suspect we'll hear soon...
"Provecta Sic Fux"

Last edited by searanch; 07-14-2002 at 04:46 PM..
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