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Old 07-17-2002, 04:56 PM
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bonyhadi bonyhadi is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: 2555 west bluff fresno, ca.,usa, ca
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA535 with 427FE s.o.& toploader
Posts: 2,494
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The newly-married husband came home from the office to find
his young wife in floods of tears. "Darling, whatever is the
matter?" he asks.

"Sweetheart," she sobs, "the most terrible thing has
happened! I cooked my very first Beef Bourguignon for you,
and I got it out the oven to season it, and the phone rang.

When I came back from answering the phone," she sobbed again,
"I found that the cat had eaten it!"

"Don't worry, darling," said her husband. "Don't cry. We'll
get a new cat in the morning..."

Sex Study Results Published ....

It has been studied and determined that the most often used sexual
position for married couples is the doggie position.

The husband sits up and begs and the wife rolls over and plays dead.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
In the beginning, G-d created earth and rested.

Then G-d created man and rested.

Then G-d created woman.

Since then, neither G-d nor man has rested.
Woman's Favorite Men

The Physician says "Take your clothes off."
The Dentist says "Open Wide"
The Interior Decorator says "I got it up now how do you like it?"
The Milkman says "You want it in the front or the rear?"
The Banker says "Don't pull it out you'll lose interest."
I've learned- that it's not what you have in your life that counts,
but how much you have in your bank accounts.

I've learned - that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes.
After that, you'd better have a big dick or huge tits.

I've learned- that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are
more ****ed up than you think.

I've learned- that money is a great substitute for character.

I've learned- To say "**** them if they can't take a joke" !
Need more horsepower, raki and where in the hell did The REDHEAD go off to?
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