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strutrods @ other stuff
This forum is awsome more info than you know what to do with but keep it comming! What are the pro's
and cons of front ends with struts and those without, apart from the cleaner less clutterd look
that the strutless have. I know struts are less $$$
even thow they have more parts [still haven't figured that one out]does one handle better that
they other please clear this up for me. And is there really that much more room between bb sb
foot wells is there a noticable differance my big
clumbsy size 13's can use all the room they can get!
I have driven almost all of the major mfg of cobras with 90" wheel bases even the ones that
say they have more room and some actually do with
there droped floors and lowered seats ect but I still feel cramped and could not correct the car
in a situation where skillful driving would be needed to avoid a bad out come. [this is not a testament to my driving skills I have driven modifieds and latemodels for years and have a nascar licence] And can't help feeling this is a
factor in some these cobra related incedents of late. Mind you this is just an obsevation but it is something to think about.
thanks kanuck