===="reading your demon book" hey, you are misdirected young man. Should be reading Hustler,
Penthouse etc.
==== See the Ellis Volkswagen post started by Toy Collector. The guy that started the thread was sued. His post was not that offensive. Just sad the service of the dealer was not very good. Then
a bunch of other Atlanta area clients chimed in and said how bad it was. The dealer sued the
originator of the thread. There was a legal fund and many folks including myself kicked in.
I think the originator of the thread was a kid just out of college. Anybody can sue anybody, then
the person being attacked has to pay for his defense. VERY EXPENSIVE.
Hell, if I write and say things that damage you shouldn't you have a recourse?? The answer
is yes. I am not a lawyer, but send enough food to feed and clothe several.