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ATTENTION...Watkin's Glen Spectators!!!
I have already sent this note via email to all the Tri State (Quad State? Octo State?) Crankoids....just a note about coming to the Glen Aug. 19 & 20 or Oct. 4-6.
****************IMPORTANT **********************
If you plan on coming to Watkins Glen just to hang out and watch, you MUST be on the guest list.
...that's right, they have tightened security and ask that all expected visitors other than drivers, be on this list.
Let me know if you're coming and we'll make sure you get in.
This is criticical that we need to know who is coming. We have had folks drive 4 to 6 hours in the past and get turned away by security, just for going to the wrong gate. Now they want everyone on THE LIST. It's painless, just email me.