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  #1272 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2002, 05:19 PM
Snacol Snacol is offline
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A golfer on the PGA tour is playing in Japan...The first place prize is a million dollars....By the end of Sat. round he has a ten shot lead..He so excited that he asks his japanese caddy for a japanese hooker...The caddy say's No Problem ..So later that night a knock comes at the golfers door...The golfer lets the hooker in and pretty soon they start after it,but as soon as he's in she starts screaming E Ho E Ho........!!!!! The golfer is so excited he starts going harder and faster and she starts screaming even louder E Ho E Ho E Ho...........!!!!Finally she gets so loud with the E HOs that he puts a sock in her mouth ..Well this went on for all of 3 minutes and he finishes..The Hooker spits the sock out mumbling E Hoooo E Hoooo...Well the next day the golfer isn't doing so well and as he comes up to the 18th hole he looks up at the board and sees a 10 way tie for first ..He's bummed he sees his million being split 10 different ways...He rears back and makes the best shot of his life rips a hole in one and wins the tournament and the million...He's so excited that he won that he wants to say something in Japanese so he screams E HO E Ho..To which his caddy replies "No man that's not the wrong hole"
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