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Old 08-21-2002, 06:07 AM
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bonyhadi bonyhadi is offline
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Location: 2555 west bluff fresno, ca.,usa, ca
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA535 with 427FE s.o.& toploader
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While walking along the sidewalk in front of his church, our
minister heard the intoning of a prayer that nearly made his
collar wilt. Apparently, his five-year-old son and his playmates
had found a dead robin. Feeling that proper burial should be
performed, they had secured a small box and cotton batting,
then dug a hole and made ready for the disposal of the deceased.
The minister's son was chosen to say the appropriate prayers and
with sonorous dignity intoned his version of what he thought his
father always said: "Glory be unto the Faaaather..and unto the
Sonnnn.......and into the hole he gooooes."

I went to a psychiatrist because I was having
severe problems with my sex life. The
psychiatrist asked me a lot of questions, but
didn't seem to be getting a clear picture of
my problems.

Finally he asked, "Do you ever watch your
girlfriend's face while you're having sex?"

"Well, yes, I did once."

"Well, how did she look?"

"Oh boy,... she looked VERY angry!"

At this point the psychiatrist felt that he
was really getting somewhere and he said,
"Well that's very interesting, we must look
into this further. Now tell me, you say that
you have only seen your girlfriend's face
once during sex; that seems somewhat unusual;
how did it occur that you saw her face that

"She was watching her sister and me through
the window."

Charlie sold strawberries off his truck
out in the suburbs. He knocked on the door
of a house. "Wanna buy some strawberries?"
"Come around back," answered the pretty
young blonde.
Charlie walked to the rear, rang the bell,
and the woman opened the door. To Cooperman's
shock, she stood there stark naked. Not a
stitch of clothes on.

Charlie started to cry.

"What's the matter?" asked the blonde.
"Today, my wife ran away with my best
friend," explained Charlie, "I lost three
thousand dollars on the stock market, and
now you're gonna screw me out of my strawberries."
Need more horsepower, raki and where in the hell did The REDHEAD go off to?
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