The race on Saturday starts at 11:00am and lasts 10 hours or 1000 miles and the Saturday-Only ticket with Paddock access is $45 in advance.
Being there by 9:30 allows for some roaming before the start and getting in a good spot for the start.
It would be great to meet on the way and drive in together
if we can. It looks like we have people on this thread from Alpharetta, Marietta and anyone else staying in 'Chateau TC'... Why don't we meet for breakfast at the McFarland Road Waffle House on 400 (exit 12) then we can go up to 20 or across to McGinnis Ferry to Satellite then up 85.
Any takers for an 8:00am Steak, Egg, & Snake?
For anyone joining us at the track, we can pick a spot to gather...