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I don't wear them usually, unless...
I am on a hazardous road, or in heavy traffic, or other special circumstances...
I will wear them in my cobra, just cause they are the 5 pt style, I don't want to sit on them, and it is a high powered sports car, and I want to. It is no one else's business...and I would never want a taxpayer to pay for my medical costs...I am a classic Libertarian...I don't believe in the welfare state or handouts, I believe in personal accountability, and reaping what one sows.
I have always worn a motorcycle helmet, full face, even before any helmet laws...but I am totally against helmet laws... a helmeted dork is gonna get in trouble/accidents, just the same as if he was helmetless...the same is true for seatbelts....
The point is that these *nanny state* laws are passed by little old lady types, and totalitarians who want to be *Big Brother or Sister*.
If you really want safety....why aren't all drivers required to wear helmets? We know from statistics that most fatalities are from head injuries, belt or no...?
SOME drivers die IN THEIR seatbelts, hung upside down, unable to get out of them, and the car catches on fire or they drown in a body of water... well documented. Airbags and seatbelts can and do kill.
I bought the WCC for of a multitude of factors, the main reason I wanted the spaceframe was the improved frame rigidity, but it is a bit safer in accidents too.
Be thankful that there is no federal legislation YET enacted, to force the "unsafe" kit cobras to conform to current DOT "safety" standards !
James Madison, father of the Constitution, said, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare..."