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Old 08-28-2002, 09:12 AM
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Originally posted by klayfish

I will do more research into the local NASA chapter here. I haven't even considered it until recently, so I don't know anything about it.

One thing I really liked about PDA was that passing was only allowed in certain areas, with point bys. That way I knew someone was passing me, or the person I was passing knew I was there. I expect to have spins. I just don't have the $$$ to have an incident, then do an interview in my best southern accent and say "Rubbin's racin'".

Your car looks great. I don't go to shows to win a trophy. Hell, I never hang out until the end. Given a choice between going racing or to a show, well, it wouldn't even be a "choice". I just like to go to a cruise here and there and hang out. I find it relaxing from time to time.
NASA is putting together a chapter in Ohio, but a number of guys from PA come down to play with us in NASA-VA. Plus, we are running at Beaver Run this year outside of Pittsburgh. NASA-Northeast just got a new management team to run the show there, but they are focused on autox for now, not racing.

One thing about NASA is that they have these driving schools. For novice and intermediate, you aren't allowed to pass without a point by and even then on certain sections of the track and on certain sides - regardless of what the point-by says. Advanced is
pass anywhere with a point-by. It is similar to PDA. With NASA-VA in particular, we just haven't had too many problems and none with cars touching each other. We did have the Viper get crunched in Advanced who pushed it too hard. That was the same guy in the Cobra/Viper video from a few weeks ago.

Other than that guy, I can't think of a car that actually hit something in a NASA school. (The crunched Cobra from VIR was a Speedtrial school).

I did see Rusty makes those comments the other night. That was pretty funny. Someone else would have been more upset, but Rusty has done enough rubbin' to know that it would have been disingenuous on his part. Keep in mind that his damage probably totaled less than $250. A really hard bump on fiberglass will cost more. (That is one reason why NASA-VA has worked so hard to protect the Cobras. Our director was running a Cobra from the last two years.)

BTW, our car doesn't compete in the car shows. It has way too many little things that kep it from looking like Earl or Al's cars! :-)
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