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Zymol is good stuff - I use it too. But to tell you the truth, any good wax will do - I really can't tell any difference. I use other stuff on my truck and can't really tell any difference. If you guys are waxing for a protectant I would suggest the clear plactic stuff they put all over the front. Just got mine put on and am very happy with it. Covers the whole front end, in front of rear tires and behind them as well underneath. I got my car for the track. Even though I race it and get it really dirty, I can't see the point in NOT protecting it with that stuff. It cost 320 bucks, including install and if I ever want to sell the thing I'll just peel it off and the car looks brand new. I just got 500 miles on it so I haven't had it at the track yet - can't wait...