Not Ranked
I purchased my previously owned SPF in February. I have had problems with the altenator & wiring, main ground wire, stripped bolts on engine, bad fuel line routing, a missing advance spring in the distributor & fuel pump (now replaced with Holley mechanical). In my opinion, most of my problems were the result of poor workmanship by the engine/trans installer. I'm still working to make the car more driveable - considering a manifold and carb change. The parking brake is a issue, I've worked on it and feel I have got it as good as it can get. I would not trust it on a hill, but it does function. By the way, I really enjoy working these problems out, but my wife has questioned this purchase as the car has been towed home (on a flatbed) once, limped home three times and so far we have not been able to take the weekend trips as we did in our 2000 Vette conv.
You're looking for a rating of the car not considering the engine/trans. Hang on. I have to give it 10. I love this car. Congratulations on your purchase, you are part of a very fortunate group.