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Turk - with the engine out I guess you might be able to engineer the swap of the steering wheel etc over to the correct side. If so, I have a very nice Landrover you might consider in partex. It has a diesel engine, which I will leave in it or take out, whichever you prefer. I would prefer you took it. It should fit your reuirements exactly, since it already has an aluminium body, and is quite real, with chassis number POS#3135.
You did elsewhere express an interest in a diesel-powered cobra, this could be your chance?
The only other thing that I might ask you to consider is to take a little of the black out of that blue on the ERA, say 15.5%, and give the car a decent shine up. I like blue.
Last edited by wilf leek; 08-31-2002 at 02:12 PM..