Hi Bob looks like you are going to get wet today it is raining at my hose as I write this.There were quite a few mustangs some real nice 66's and some shelby 500's as for the cobras about 10 to 15 my guess I saw some nice ones drive by me on the way in but I decided to wait before walking around to let everybody get in,well that backfired because by the time I got to them they were leaving do to weather oh well always next year.Man do I want a cobra Of course usaully at the shows I would take one of each only thing stopping me is money go figure. Hey eric was yours the blue with white stripes in pics and had the blower whine looked nice you were pulling out as I was walking up to your area how rude.
Only joking you probably left at the right time the show ended about an hour later and was just starting to drizzle when I left.