Well, after having the motor leak tested and a compression check - everything looks fine. The head gasket is OK and it seems the reason for the smoke is just that the rings have not seated yet. The motor has 800 miles on it - does this check out with what you guys have experienced ? I'm being told that the rings will not be completly seated until 1000 or 1500 miles...
Now the bigger question.
OIL LEAK...The rear main and
oil pan gasket were both replaced during the 500 mile service. Rear was a 2 piece which was no big deal to replace...However, it's still leaking
oil !!! Dye test will be done in the morning, they seem to think it is one of the other plugs (cam possibly) at the back of the motor - if so - they have to pull it....OUCH. Any thoughts guys ?? Thanks in advance.