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Old 09-04-2002, 07:04 PM
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With that kind of investment strategy, I am surprised you still have $12,000 left to buy my car. Borrowed money perhaps?

Do you think it will go down that far before someone buys it!

Gosh I hope not, then I will have to come up with more out of pocket cash to make the deal go through.

You got me confused with some other nit wit. We all kind a look alike. I am NOT buying a CSX car, because it is REAL..I am buying one because my car has too many miles on it!!!

Please don't wait until it is down to $12,000. you are going to be heart broken when some one else buys it for $12,2000.

Racer X#99
That is the nicest thing you said to me for weeks. Thanks for the compliments on the car. I like your car too. It is YOU...never mind, that is a different thread.

As for the East Coast influence. Nope. Chances of me converting to Judaism is better than taking Replica advice from him.
I am doing it so that new debate betwen two CSX owners can begin.
One claiming he has the best REPLICA in the Country, and the other one still claiming he has an ORIGINAL REAL BLACK REPLICA. You do know who is who in this match up, don't you?

I don't think the small blocks fit cars of these caliber. Give it to someone who can use that motor to commute.

Thanks for bringing the post to the top. I need all the help, I can get. Before the damn thing drops to the price range cobish can afford.

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