Well I installed the new radiator and I am very pleased with the way it went in and the AN plumbing. HOWEVER, it did not solve the problem.
It still overheats but I noticed that it really does not run up while at idle but when I rev it or take it out for a mild run. I idled it for about 20-25 minutes so the therm could open. Got up to about 185. Shut it down and let it cool. Went to top it off and it didn't really need anything.
I took it out around the neighborhood and got about a mile and it climbed to about 210. I turned around and by the time I got back it was pushing 240!
I'm going to start it up again and just let it idle for as long as I can to see if it will overheat butI think I'll take a look at the water pump again. Maybe the impeller is slipping at higher revs? Sigh!