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bean towner, i am sure your phone is ringing off the hooks by now with your generous offer ...LOL...
lets not forget folks that there are older spf's out there in the marketplace from 1995, maybe earlier. those cars were bought for alot less dollars than todays cars. further they had standard equipment much different from todays cars, some of which was optional back then and now standard with the price increased accordingly. thus, there are some cars for sale that do not have true knock off's but fake ones, have ford brakes and not willwoods etc. each of those two items were about $2400 each as an option before they became standard.
further, other running changes have been made over time too and price adjusted for in some cases as well. so, just cuz one or two spf's may have sold for under 36-38k , they most likely recovered their investment !!! something to think about as a sale alone does not tell the whole story folks relative to value, comparing an older car with no options is like apples and oranges to todays cars.
also, many folks have a financial or health or legal (divorce ) reason to sell so they need or want cash in a hurry, so buys can be made but they are few and far between. the same can be said about any brand car on the used car market.
this time is also the time that values go down due to winter season in 1/2 of the country plus the many 401k's (before ) that are 101k's now, unemployment is high, bonuses are down etc. I am not so sure the market is flooded any more than it normally is this time of year. remember the used listings in total might be up , but so are the units in operation as new car sales have continued to be strong. so, if 10% (pick a number ) of the total avail cars were for sale one yr ago and 10% were for sale today, the percent could remain the same but the quantity for sale in total would be up.
new spf sales remain exceptionally strong as others have reported from other mfrs as well. times are not all that bad, many folks getting out of their replicas and many more are still buying new or paying good money for used. the depreciation on these cars is low compared to what it is with a new lincoln or caddy or ...or....bought new today and sold in one year. some folks are over their heads in investment though as costs and good sense got away from them, and those folks will see more depreciation than others.
for the record, any early spf for sale at a price below todays newer cars would bring is still an outstanding investment as almost all of the upgrades could be retrofitted to the older cars. ...just my $02 worth . bill.