Hi Folks,
I think that DV is speaking of the Gleason/Torsen unit. When I was with Toyota (1978-84) the inventors/founders of the company brought in a unit for us to test in a FJ-40. The unit was crude, the machining on the gears was horrible, but they were really trying to get a OEM to look at it. It sat in my office for at least a year before I finally got the guys in the tech center to install it. They did and It worked quite well. However, at the time the inventors had no company and no way to produce a production unit. But, this is a good old example of the American dream and they kept at it. Toyota now uses these in a number of their vehicles.
You may wish to visit
Technical discussion of the Torsen diff to learn how this unit works.
Or look at the white paper at:
Torsen technical
Also, visit
Torsen home page for application details.
I would recommend this unit for most every use in a normal Cobra.