DV - you really are something else! I don't think it would be right of me to borrow parts that I know would see some pretty extreme duty in my car. Thank you ever so much, but I really can't accept.... Once again, your willingness to help others astounds me

I'll have a bit of a think about exactly how much money is required to finish the car, and if there's enough left in the piggy bank I might see if you're interested in selling yours??? Sorry that I didn't reply earlier, but I only get to a computer once per day - usually sometime after 10.30pm here.
Richard - thanks for all the links! It was interesting to read about the process of selecting an appropriate bias ratio for the Torsen. I'll thoroughly read all the articles after I print them out. I'm not trying to be smart here, but is there any application that the Torsen unit
wouldn't suit a Cobra? Any chassis styles or racing categories? Looking at your chassis - my supercharger/intercooler arrangement would foul on more things than it would clear, but that would give me a good excuse to go the twin turbocharged route! Ahhhh.... power AND handling!!! Geez, I haven't even driven my car yet, and I already don't like the chassis dynamics