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Well I disconnected the pressure regulator at the filter and hooked up a pressure gauge. Turned on the pump and the gauge pulsed between 6-8 lbs. After about 30 seconds the needle went to 0-1. I should be pumping 13-14 lbs at this point.
I took out the check valve again and it seemed a bit scored so I polished it up with some 400, lubed it and put it back. Started the pump again and got the same thing. Took a small hammer and tapped the area around the check valve and it shot up to 13 lbs and held.
I put everything back but could not get pressure at the carb again, even after tapping on the pump.
Sooooo, I believe my problem may be due to a bad fuel pump that delivering a substantially small amount of fuel to the carb, causing a serious lean condition, leading to overheating.
Hey! I'm going to replace the pump and see what happens. Still better than pulling the heads. I still may have to but I have to address the pump at this point.
Will be on an underserved vacation (Hilton Head, SC) starting tomorrow so I will not be able to do anything till next week.
It's amazing,
"Crisis occurs when women and cattle get excited!"....James Thurber