I know this has been going on for years but, a very good friend, Kirt Gardner, and the one person I call for the latest trick to improve the performance of my SO, has seen the latest Genisis Block.
Kirt indicated the machining was excellent, he (the owner and I forgot his name) stabilized the block during casting to prevent 'core shift', bare with me on this, I'm repeating what kirt told. He did this by using the back of the block, there are two screw in freeze plugs, one on each side of the cam plug, from what I understand, FOMOCO used only the water pump inlets to stabilize the block. Kirt is on the list (28) as one of the first Thirty or so to purchase the block, he also said the price for the iron is now $3800,00. and the
oil pressure relief hole is not machined??.
Like everyone else, I'm just waiting for a report.