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Old 09-26-2002, 09:05 AM
SFfiredog SFfiredog is offline
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Originally posted by BrianPaul

Also, the guy at Comp told me that Dove buys their rocker set up from Comp and then private labels it. Interesting.

What's really interesting is that Dove has been selling that rocker arm assy and end stands for about ten years now. Comp has been selling the same set up for just a few years
Dove is one of the larger rocker arm manufacturers and makes rocker arms for many of the aftermarket companies. I have no great love for Dove (I'm still waiting for some parts!) but for Comp Cams to take credit for someone elses work is just plain wrong.
Next Comp will say they make the roller bearing cam thrust plates they sell for Fords and then sell them to Danny Bee!

They bend 'em, we mend 'em.
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