From an earlier post on the Arizona Cobras forum:
To steam or not to steam, that is the question...
This is sort of a summary of my take on the "overheating FE syndrome" and how I went about trying to resolve the problem. I ended up with a new Griffin custom-built unit, two rows of 1.5 inch tubing, 3.5 inches thick and shaped to match the height/width of the original ERA unit. Changed from
antifreeze to distilled water/Water Wetter and this seems to have resolved the problem. High temps in traffic are about 208 degrees. No shroud necessary, although that was the next step if necessary. Currently running no thermometer, just a restrictor plate, but will probably drop in a 180 deg unit because I noted that the cruising temps are stabilizing at around 165 in the cooler weather. My experiences, anyway.