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Old 10-10-2002, 08:32 AM
hdheritage97 hdheritage97 is offline
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Default Not just a belt problem

The belts are just the tip of the iceberg as far as my discontent. I have an older car from around '86 and wanted to do away with the pull cord door latches that are now on the car. I contacted EM while my car was at the body shop being prepped for paint and told them I wanted original style door latches shipped to my painter. No problem right, a little fabrication was all that was they arrived, my guy calls to tell me they won't work and he would have to totally design hardware that would work and the cost would be way to high. So, I tell him to forget it then and just put the old stuff back. Well, a short time later, I'm ordering a leather console and guess what, they tell me I have parts there, what parts I ask, why of course it's the hardware to my door latches. Of course by that time the car has been painted and I'm not going to have it done then so I tell them to forward the parts to me thinking I could at least sell them on here as a now complete unit. Only one problem, I still don't have the rest of my hardware and that was a year ago....oh yeah, and only half the console came in too....anyone want to buy half a console for an EM ???? I could go on and on and I'm glad some of you have had great experiences with EM, however, I'm not one of those people. Are they extremely nice to talk to, yes, are they helpful with tech troubles, NOT AT ALL. I have asked them about many issues and the standard reply is that they would have to see the car bcause they have no ideas without seeing it. Come on, you build the damn thing and you haven't got a clue as to why the body rubs the tires or why the tunnel is way too tall in the car, so much so that the shifter barely peaks out of it ???? The body rubbed the tires due to a molding flaw I later determined and if I can figure it out, I think they certainly could. Anyhow, it really doesn't matter anymore because I have worked it all out but I seriously doubt that I would have had these troubles with some of the other manufacturers. If you want to be considered a high quality manufacturer, you have to have high standards and in my opinion, that's not the case with EM.
" Like my Grandfather always told me, if you are truly good at something there's no need to brag, others will be sure to do that for you "
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