Bit of a long story but yes I have put a crank case breather in the
oil fill on the valve cover. I got this tip from another blown Windsor owner and it has helped. A little more info....When I bought the pan I had to significantly modify the crank scraper that is welded in the side of the pan to clear my stud girdle before I realized that the pan just didn't fit the block. So at that point there was no way that I was going to be able to return it.
There really is a very large gap at the corner of the seal (1/8") that obviously shouldn't be there and I was wondering if the pan really is that bad or if maybe there is a different seal that I should be using. The block is a late model roller cam block with the one piece rear main seal.
I had thought of building up the corners of the pan with weld and trying to file it to fit better but that would be hit-or-miss at best.