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FACT: You paid for Fel-Pro gaskets throughout the motor, invoice says so. Cheap substitutes were installed instead, and failed.
Builder had the motor back after running it for a while, if there was detonation, the upper rod bearings ought to be shiny spotted from being hammered. The sparkplug insulators would be chipping or or otherwise showing evidence of detonation as well. I would expect the engine builder to cover the gaskets, and necessary machining to repair the damage, labor to remove/reinstall, maybe not. That motor is brand new, one would expect them to cover their own @sses a little better with a new customer. If all this happened a year from now, you would be outta luck. Unfortunately, warrantees on racing motors are usually nonexistant.
In a fit of 16 year old genius, I looked down through the carb while cranking it to see if fuel was flowing, and it was. Flowing straight up in a vapor cloud, around my head, on fire.