Oil temps usially( this varies) run about 30 degrees more than the coolant temp. I know I am going to ge flamed for this, as I have in the past stated this stuff but here goes. The average car, and that inclues Cobras, does not need a
oil cooler.
Oil coolers were a 60's performance/racing thing and we have come somewhere since then. Synthetics, aluminum parts everywhere, better designed pans the list goes on and on, all have changed this. A better choice would be to use a racing heat exchanger that cools on the high heat side but also heats up oil when your engine oil is cold on startups and cool conditions.
Gordon Levy used to sell one about a year ago that is made for Cobras, I don't know if he still sells those heat exchangers though. Of course you won't have that "look" in the front of your car of a oil cooler unless like me you use it for a automatic tranny, or as a dummy. Racing supply shops will sell you a oil heat exchanger if you look for them but they are bit salty. I fabracated my own.