Scottj: The cam problem sounds like a surface hardness problem, not a sliding roller problem. If the roller is sliding, you should see a flat or worn area on the roller. The Mobil 1 will not cause a roller lifter to slide on the cam lobe.
Back in Black: I am just making all of this up, your right, you got, the great Mobil 1 hoax.
Mr. Fixit; Now let me get this straight. You would rather have all of that crap in your engine, circulating with the
oil, on the cam and lifters, on the cylinder walls and between the rings and cylinders, and in the bearings as you break the engine in rather than in the filter, removed from the
oil, because you don't want the filter to plug up??? You would rather have all of that crap settle out in your crankcase, in the valve deak area and other places because you don't want the filter to plug up?? Did I miss something here?? How about this, if the filter plugs up, you will have all of that crap circulating around your engine like you want. Wow, the best of both worlds, deterget oils and plugged filters that won't filter because they are doing their job. Talk about convoluted logic!
Non-detergent oils will break down quickly from heat(oxidation) and lay down varnish and lacqure(sp) on pistons and rings causing the rings to stick. Without dispersants, combustion materials and degradation products will drop out in all parts of the engine, crankcase and valve deck. Without any antiwear, rapid cam and lifter wear will occur and ring and cylinder wear will increase significantly. Hydraulic lifters will plug, valve deposits will rapidly appear and valves will stick in the guides due the
oil's thermal degradation. Without detergents, the deposits and other degradation materials cannot be cleaned from the engine..why are we having this discussion?
Mr. Fixit, call Castrol and ask them what engines they recommend the use of their non-detergent oil in. For that matter call Ford, GM, and the others and ask that question..what would I know, I am trying to trick Back in Black into using Mobil 1.
It looks like the old saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" is alive and well.